// Server Clock - WINTER - GMT // *********************************************** SETTINGS **************************************** S1clocksize="80"; // Summer - BST settings S1clockface="SS21.gif"; S1hourhandcolor = "dodgerblue"; S1minutehandcolor = "black"; S1secondhandcolor = "red"; S1clocktextcolor = "black"; // Winter - GMT settings S1clockface="WS21.gif"; S1hourhandcolor = "blue"; S1minutehandcolor = "black"; S1secondhandcolor = "red"; S1clocktextcolor = "red" S1hourhandcolorOutline = S1hourhandcolor; // change outline to a valid color if required - Probably only useful on large clock. S1minutehandcolorOutline = S1minutehandcolor; // change outline to a valid color if required - Probably only useful on large clock. S1secondhandcolorOutline = S1secondhandcolor; // change outline to a valid color if required - Probably only useful on large clock. // ******************************************* End of SETTINGS ************************************* // ************************************** Get the Server Time Values ******************************* var S1dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") var S1montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") var S1serverdate=new Date(S1currenttime) function S1padlength(what){ var output=(what.toString().length==1)? "0"+what : what return output } function S1changeHour() { var S1serverDate = new Date(S1currenttime); S1serverDatePlusOne = new Date(S1serverDate.setHours(S1serverDate.getHours()+1)); S1serverdate = S1serverDatePlusOne; } function S1swaptext(S1TodaysStatus) { var S1serverdateStringTemp = S1serverdate var S1serverdateString = S1serverdateStringTemp.toString(); return S1TodaysStatus; } S1dateDisplay = S1dayarray[S1serverdate.getDay()]+" "+S1montharray[S1serverdate.getMonth()]+" "+S1padlength(S1serverdate.getDate())+", "+S1serverdate.getFullYear(); // ******************************** testing ground *********************************** // Method 1 - Comparing UTC to Server GMT - (in the summer gives -60 - in the winter gives 0) // var S1ddd1 = S1serverdate; // var S1nnn1 = S1ddd1.getTimezoneOffset(); // var S1nnn1 = "-60"; // Force BST for testing only // S1TodaysStatus = "GMT"; // if (S1nnn1=="-60") { // S1TodaysStatus = "BST"; // S1changeHour(); // } // Info regarding confusing output from server or PC Clock - // GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time) - Winter ie. GMT ie. Standard Time !! // GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) - Summer ie. BST ie. Daylight Time !! // These are the fixed output from both pc local "new Date();" and Server times. // BST is clearly misleading (Standatd Time) and should be Daylight Time. // Method 3 - Using GMT+0000 (GMT Daylight Time) Javasript to determine BST / GMT var S1serverdateLoopStr = S1serverdate.toString(); var isit = S1serverdateLoopStr.search("0000"); if (isit != (-1)) { S1status="GMT"; } var isit = S1serverdateLoopStr.search("0100"); if (isit != (-1)) { S1status="BST"; } S1TodaysStatus = S1status; // S1TodaysStatus ="BST"; // Force BST for testing if (S1TodaysStatus=="BST") { // S1changeHour(); } // END of Methods // ******************************** end of testing ground *********************************** document.write('
'); document.write(''); document.write(' Your browser does not support canvas'); document.write(''); var S1canvas = document.getElementById('S1myCanvas'); var S1context = S1canvas.getContext('2d'); var S1clockImage = new Image(); var S1clockImageLoaded = false; S1clockImage.onload = function(){ S1clockImageLoaded = true; } S1clockImage.src = '/' + LocalImageFolder + '/clockfaces/' + S1clockface; function S1addBackgroundImage(){ S1context.drawImage(S1clockImage, S1canvas.width/2 * -1 ,S1canvas.height/2 * -1,S1canvas.width, S1canvas.height); } function S1degreesToRadians(S1degrees) { return (Math.PI / 180) * S1degrees } function S1drawHourHand(S1theDate){ var S1hours = S1theDate.getHours() + S1theDate.getMinutes() / 60; var S1degrees = (S1hours * 360 / 12) % 360; S1context.save(); S1context.fillStyle = S1hourhandcolor; S1context.strokeStyle = S1hourhandcolorOutline; S1context.rotate( S1degreesToRadians(S1degrees)); S1drawHand(100, 10, 3); S1context.restore(); } function S1drawMinuteHand(S1theDate){ var S1minutes = S1theDate.getMinutes() + S1theDate.getSeconds() / 60; S1context.save(); S1context.fillStyle = S1minutehandcolor; S1context.strokeStyle = S1minutehandcolorOutline; S1context.rotate( S1degreesToRadians(S1minutes * 6)); S1drawHand(140, 10, 5); S1context.restore(); } function S1drawSecondHand(S1theDate){ var S1seconds = S1theDate.getSeconds(); S1context.save(); S1context.fillStyle = S1secondhandcolor; S1context.globalAlpha = 0.8; // transparency S1context.strokeStyle = S1secondhandcolorOutline; S1context.rotate( S1degreesToRadians(S1seconds * 6)); S1drawHand(150, 8, 8); // S1length, S1thickness, S1shadowOffset S1context.restore(); } function S1drawHand(S1size, S1thickness, S1shadowOffset){ S1thickness = S1thickness || 4; S1context.shadowColor = '#555'; S1context.shadowBlur = 10; S1context.shadowOffsetX = S1shadowOffset; S1context.shadowOffsetY = S1shadowOffset; S1context.beginPath(); S1context.moveTo(0,0); // center S1context.lineTo(S1thickness *-1, -10); S1context.lineTo(0, S1size * -1); S1context.lineTo(S1thickness,-10); S1context.lineTo(0,0); S1context.fill(); S1context.stroke(); } function S1writeBrandName(S1theDate){ S1context.font = 'bold 40pt Arial'; S1context.fillStyle = S1clocktextcolor; var S1brandName = 'UK ' + S1TodaysStatus; var S1brandNameSize = S1context.measureText(S1brandName); S1bottomhours = S1theDate.getHours(); if (S1bottomhours > 14 && S1bottomhours < 21) { S1context.fillText(S1brandName, 0 - S1brandNameSize.width / 2, -50); // at top } else { if (S1bottomhours < 3 || S1bottomhours > 8) { S1context.fillText(S1brandName, 0 - S1brandNameSize.width / 2, 95); // at bottom } else S1context.fillText(S1brandName, 0 - S1brandNameSize.width / 2, -50); // at top } } function S1createClock(){ // ******************************** in-the-loop testing ground *********************************** S1swaptext(S1TodaysStatus); // S1changedinfo = S1serverdate; // document.getElementById("S1changedTimeandDate").innerHTML = S1changedinfo // // S1datestring = S1dayarray[S1serverdate.getDay()]+" "+S1montharray[S1serverdate.getMonth()]+" "+S1padlength(S1serverdate.getDate())+", "+S1serverdate.getFullYear(); // S1datestring = S1dayarray[S1serverdate.getDay()]+" "+S1montharray[S1serverdate.getMonth()]+" "+S1padlength(S1serverdate.getDate())+", "+S1serverdate.getFullYear()+" "+S1padlength(S1serverdate.getSeconds()); // document.getElementById("S1changedDate").innerHTML = S1datestring // ******************************** end of in-the-loop testing ground *********************************** S1serverdate.setSeconds(S1serverdate.getSeconds()+1) S1addBackgroundImage(); var S1theDate = S1serverdate; S1drawHourHand(S1theDate); S1drawMinuteHand(S1theDate); S1drawSecondHand(S1theDate); S1writeBrandName(S1theDate); } function S1clockApp(){ if(!S1clockImageLoaded){ setTimeout('S1clockApp()', 100); return; } S1context.translate(S1canvas.width/2, S1canvas.height/2); S1createClock(); setInterval('S1createClock()', 1000) } S1clockApp(); S1canvas.style.width = S1canvas.style.height= S1clocksize + 'px'; S1titlealt = S1dateDisplay + ' UK Time ('+ S1TodaysStatus + ')'; document.write('
'); // document.write('
'); document.write(''+ S1titlealt + ''); document.write('
'); document.write('